Front Porch Focus: Artist, Ceci Mason, Virginia Beach

I’m delighted that my first interview of a southern female entrepreneur and social media influencer is someone who grew up on the Vincentina Coast in the Algarve region of Portugal. It proves a point of mine, deeper into the Magnolia Blue website’s “About” section, that the American south, while steeped in its own great traditions, is evolving into an even more nuanced heritage for the future.

Ceci Mason, founder of Diga Linda, -- who I first knew as a fellow Marylander and Westie “mom” – although we’ve never met in-person, is a self-taught artist who has been creating home textile essentials for years.
Ceci began her artistic endeavors while teaching Scouts and learned, along with them, various art forms. Always looking to grow, Ceci took courses in Photoshop and website design and her digital artwork appears on everything from tea towels and aprons to pillow covers and other home textiles. In addition, she has broadened her collection to include original acrylic paintings for clients. Her mission, which mirrors that of Magnolia Blue, is to celebrate and enjoy each moment of life.
A busy mom, wife, entrepreneur and hostess, who now resides in Virginia Beach, Ceci’s major influences continue to be the tiles, coastline, and flowers that surrounded her in Portugal. It's easy to understand why settling near the ocean, where flowers bloom prolifically from just the right amount of sun and humidity, on the coast of Virginia,feels like home to her. Today, she maintains her love of tile and her original inspirations from her family home in Portugal, with her passion for china patterns.
“I love to see the art and the details of porcelain,” says Ceci. “The Tobacco Leaf design, for instance, was so inspiring – I used it in my own designs, but moved various elements around give the design a different perspective, while still representing the original design. In the table runner, I have the Phoenix Bird facing in four different directions - this print goes with everything!”
“As for flowers, my grandmother had a flower garden in the country house which my parents inherited and my mom is a flower lover at heart, so I got that from her. As far as the blue and white, I grew up in a house with blue and white tiles and living in Portugal it’s very common to have tiles in hallways, stairs, kitchens and so on. The palaces and churches are filled with it as well," she says.
As you stroll through Ceci’s website, you’ll be charmed by her collection which will delight every maximalist and grandmillennial from Baltimore to Beaufort to Palm Beach. Chinoiserie, pagodas, leopard prints, Staffordshire dogs, to sweet bows, florals and tiles are interpreted on everything from pillows to tea towels. She even has a gorgeous tablecloth that can be personalized with the family name – a new heirloom – for all your family celebrations.
Ceci most recently released a collection entitled “Art in the Garden” featuring over a dozen original pieces of acrylic artwork. She hopes to release more original art in 2024 including the possibility of collections called “By the Sea” or “Palms” – but for now, she is focused on flowers.
Her company, Diga Linda translates to “Say Beautiful” and it originates from her mother’s name “Clara Linda” (Clarinda), which means “bright and beautiful” and she states she “infuses all my designs with that bright light.” I would have to agree!
Visit Ceci at her website, Facebook, Instagram
Comments on this post (2)
As always, Lisa, you provided an interesting subject with great talent! Her designs and art are unique and interesting.
— Lori Shore
Hi Lisa, it’s an honor to be here on your beautiful site with this interview. You captured me and Diga Linda perfectly, thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.
— Ceci Mason